Employment Readiness Scale ™ (ERS) Tool

The ERS is included in the services we provide to our clients. Individuals take the ERS at their first appointment, or before a program commences.

  • The ERS is a self-assessment to establish how well prepared you feel you are for work
  • You can retake the ERS up to 6 times, depending on your individual needs and the number of career counselling sessions you engage in
  • Follow up career counselling sessions and ERS retakes allow you to see where you have improved and where you still need help in becoming work ready
  • The goal is to support you in becoming self-sufficient and strong enough to manage your career now and into the future.


The ERS generates an employment readiness report and a career action plan is developed with you in each session to support you in moving towards your career goals, such as gaining employent in a particular field or occupation or engaging in further education and training.

The ERS looks at various factors to determine your level of work readiness and will predict 80% of the time your ability to gain employment after 12 weeks once you self-assess as Minimally ready or Fully work ready.

Career assessments form an important part of our career counselling services. Giving insight into your interests, talents, values, aptitudes, skills and work readiness. The Employment Readiness Scale is a self assessment that allows you to check your work readiness in three key areas; Employability, Soft Skills and Challenges. We know that Employers hire based on the strength of your soft skills and it is often difficult to identify how strong you are in these areas, it is also helpful to reflect on the types of barriers and challenges that may be impacting your ability to find and keep work. This is where the ERS, an online self-assessment tool can help you to identify where you need the most help and create targeted actions that support you to move towards your career goals.

Employment Readiness Model

The Employment Readiness Scale ™ measures, documents and
reports improvements in Employability Factors, Soft Skills and Challenges.

"Work Ready" means that with little or no assistance you can find, get and keep an appropriate job, as well as be able to manage transitions to new jobs, as needed. 

CEAV Career Counselling Australia has been using the Employment Readiness Scale ™ (ERS), an online work readiness tool www.ersscale.info , with great success in employment outcomes and or engagement in further education and training in the David Osborne Community Careers Centre here at Greensborough and across several projects; Flemington works, The City of Greater Dandenong, and The City of Hume.

A sample of the ERS can be accessed here https://ersscale.com/sample-assessment/

How to Purchase the ERS

This information is for organisations, agencies and employment services looking for time saving solutions to support their clients.
CEAV Career Counselling Australia (CCCA) became a marketing affiliate for the Employment Readiness Scale ™ (ERS) in 2018 and are currently the only distributor of the ERS in Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines.

The ERS offers a unique combination of benefits to individuals, organisations, agencies and sponsors of career and employment services. It has proven to predict 80% of the time individuals gaining employment.

Its online assessment, planning, evaluation, and reporting tools are designed to provide quick, comprehensive initial and on-going assessments of employment readiness, offering clients and their counselors:

  • Levels of work readiness across 4 Employability Factors, 5 Soft Skills
  • Identifies challenges impacting the client
  • A detailed feedback report of their strengths and challenges
  • An action planning tool
  • Multiple retake feature (6 times) increases client motivation by showing improvements gained over time

Roll-up reports, with real-time data, help counsellors and organisations identify the programs clients need, document client improvement, and assess the effectiveness of interventions. This roll-up capability provides full and inclusive input for program planning and accountability reporting. 

Based on an internationally-validated employment readiness model, the ERS provides added assurance clients will succeed.

Contact CCCA Today! 


Book a presentation or make an enquiry

Call Leah on: 9433 8009 or email: [email protected] 

For further information on the Employment Readiness Scale™ visit www.ersscale.com