CEAV Career Counselling Australia is a registered charity and division of the Australian Centre for Career Education (ACCE) . ACCE was founded in 1975 as a national career education subject and membership association focused on ensuring all Australians have access to high quality career education and career guidance.
Our division provides career counselling and career consulting services to governments, the education sector, organisations and the community including:
Professional career guidance.
Career support for schools - workshops and webinars, parent career information sessions, student presentations, and Morrisby@Profile vocational assessments and career interviews.
Benchmarking audits and planning for quality career services.
Specialist disability employment careers guidance and planning support.
Consulting projects: job match campaigns, development of educational career resources, and curriculum mapping.
Employment Readiness Scale™ (ERS) vocational assessment training.

All our career counsellors are endorsed by the peak industry body, the Career Industry Council of Australia (CICA) and adhere to our Code of Ethics and CICA professional standards. If you are seeking help to establish goals, re-enter employment, go for your first job, or overcome a recent redundancy, contact us. Our team is available to help you.